La culture numérique des jeunes professeurs des écoles peut-elle permettre de réduire l’écart entre natifs et immigrants du numérique?

Does the digital culture of young educators help reduce the gap between digital natives and digital immigrants?
Françoise Poyet - Université Lyon 1, France
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The already important gap between the digital practices of pupils and those of teachers seems to be widening. Indeed, while young people’s di- gital practices tend to be playful and communi- cation orientated, teacher practices rely on global technical skills and cross-field know-how (Baron & Bruillard, 2001). Our findings suggest that in France some prospective teachers, like their pros- pective pupils, have digital practices derived from a primary knowledge acquired through growing up in a digital-technology-rich childhood environ- ment. Yet unlike their prospective pupils, these prospective teachers have also gained other forms of digital practices and a digital culture that draws on secondary knowledge.

Available online: 2015-08-11


Poyet, F. (2014). La culture numérique des jeunes professeurs des écoles peut-elle permettre de réduire l’écart entre natifs et immigrants du numérique?. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 11(3), 6-21.