Proposer un jeu sérieux pour former à l’inclusion : retour d’expérience en France

Proposing a Serious Inclusion Training Game: A Report on an Experience in France
Mélissa Arneton - INSHEA – Université Paris Lumières, France
Mathieu Muratet - INSHEA – Université Paris Lumières, France
Anne Vanbrugghe - INSHEA – Université Paris Lumières, France
Véronique Geffroy - INSHEA – Université Paris Lumières, France
Marie-Hélène Ferrand - INSHEA – Université Paris Lumières, France
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To meet human needs in a globalized world, the differences between individuals and the diversity of their needs must be taken into account. In this practical paper, we present the serious multiplayer game that we designed at INSHEA (the French national higher institute for training and research on special needs education) in order to make professionals more aware of concepts of inclusion and accessibility. Designed around the implementation of an inclusive society, E-LearningScape Access has certain advantages and limitations for providing learning in and through action.

Available online: 2022-03-01


Arneton, M., Muratet, M., Vanbrugghe, A., Geffroy, V., & Ferrand, M.-H. (2022). Proposer un jeu sérieux pour former à l’inclusion : retour d’expérience en France. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 19(1), 68-75.