Conception d’un système hypermédia d’enseignement adaptatif centré sur les styles d’apprentissage : modèle et expérience

Design of an adaptive hypermedia teaching system with a focus on learning styles: Model and experiment
Aziz Dahbi - Université Chouaib Doukkali El Jadida, Morocco
Najib El Kamoun - Université Chouaib Doukkali El Jadida, Morocco
Abdelghafour Berraissouli - Université Chouaib Doukkali El Jadida, Morocco
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This article discusses learning styles as a criterion of adaptation of a course online. A first step is to choose the model of learning styles. The identification of these styles is performed by a dedicated questionnaire. On the other hand, learning activities are designed to reflect the dimensions related to learning styles. Finally, the presentation of these activities is managed by a probabilistic adaptation module. Based on the methods and techniques proposed for modeling and adaptation, we designed an adaptive hypermedia system that focuses on learning styles. The approach was validated experimentally and the results are encouraging.

Available online: 2010-02-03


Dahbi, A., El Kamoun, N., & Berraissouli, A. (2009). Conception d’un système hypermédia d’enseignement adaptatif centré sur les styles d’apprentissage : modèle et expérience. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 6(1), 55-71.