Compétences numériques chez les futurs enseignants marocains en formation initiale : enjeux épistémologiques

ICT skills of Moroccan student teachers: epistemological challenges
Mourad BENALI - Université Mohammed Premier, Morocco
Toufik Azzimani - Université Mohammed Premier, Morocco
Mehdi Kaddouri - Université Mohammed Premier, Morocco
Mohammed Boukare - Université Mohammed Premier, Morocco
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The present study attempts to examine the competencies in the use of ICTs among prospective Moroccan teachers. A quantitative survey was conducted among 194 future language and science teachers at the Regional Center of Education and Training in the eastern region of Morocco. The analysis of the collected data reveals a high level of comfort in technical, social and informational uses of ICTs. It must also be noted that much work remains to be done to ensure that prospective Moroccan teachers exploit ICTs for epistemological purposes.

Available online: 2019-03-05


BENALI, M., Azzimani, T., Kaddouri, M., & Boukare, M. (2018). Compétences numériques chez les futurs enseignants marocains en formation initiale : enjeux épistémologiques. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 15(3), 34-51.