Effet structurant des forums numériques sur la qualité d’apprentissage dans les dispositifs hybrides de formation d’ingénieurs

The structuring effect of digital forums on learning quality in hybrid engineering training programs
Théodore Njingang Mbadjoin - Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
Alain Jaillet - Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
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The research analyzes the structuring effect of digital forums on the learning quality of hybrid devices in training engineers. It contributes to anticipate the regulation of forums by pedagogical instructions involving both the choice of the type of structuring digital forum and the aim of improving the eLearning quality. Depending on the structuring level, the digital forums may stimulate teacher-centered coaching for type 1 (poorly structured), or student/ learner for type 2 (fairly structured). This second case presents an important intensity of cognitive/ metacognitive messages, induced by a learning dominated by more initiatives, proposals and peer reactivity. Conversely, behavior in type 1 is rather expressed in an evaluative master attitude, tending to a strong intensity of the acts of approval/disapproval of the exchanges/ communication of the peers.

Available online: 2018-04-20

DOI : https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu-2017-v14n3-05

Njingang Mbadjoin, T., & Jaillet, A. (2017). Effet structurant des forums numériques sur la qualité d’apprentissage dans les dispositifs hybrides de formation d’ingénieurs. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 14(3), 62-79. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu-2017-v14n3-05