Maturation de Form@sup : principes et instruments
Evolution of Form@sup: principles and tools
Without resuming its detailed description, the present article proposes a critical analysis of the options taken in Form@sup, a one-year post-graduate degree for higher education teachers who want to question their professional practice through the development of their online course. The article justifies the theoretical backgrounds of this training program and underlines the difficulties encountered in carrying out each of its basic principles. It then presents the decisions made for 2005-2006, insisting on the influence of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning movement. Through its concrete examples, it also aims at fostering reflection and exchange of practice amongst the instructional developers teams.
Available online: 2007-05-16
Poumay, M. (2006). Maturation de Form@sup : principes et instruments. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 3(2), 40-53.