Usages et effets perçus des podcasts de type cours enregistrés : une étude exploratoire menée à l’Université de Genève auprès d’étudiants et d’enseignants

Uses and perceived effects of recorded course podcasts: An exploratory study conducted in students and instructors at the University of Geneva
Claire Peltier - Université de Genève, Switzerland
Daniel Peraya - Université de Genève, Switzerland
Vincent Grenon - Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
François Larose - Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
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This research reports on the use of the recorded courses at the University of Geneva by two groups of students: one group was enrolled in the course 74111, that focused on the educational use of technology, and the other was comprised of students from all faculties. The results gathered through a questionnaire survey showed a number of differences between the two groups. These differences can be explained by the specificity of the course 74111 (pedagogical scenario, tutoring, etc.). Extracts from reflexive reports of students of this course and teacher testimonials further clarified the differences between groups. We present “double scripting” (design and appropriation) as a research avenue to explore for the better use of video resources, including in MOOCs.

Available online: 2017-02-17


Peltier, C., Peraya, D., Grenon, V., & Larose, F. (2016). Usages et effets perçus des podcasts de type cours enregistrés : une étude exploratoire menée à l’Université de Genève auprès d’étudiants et d’enseignants. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 13(2-3), 60-80.